Moving from Magento V2 to Shopify Plus

Posted by Norma Stratton on

When selecting an E-commerce Platform Magento and Shopify are among the most popular. What happens when you are not satisfied with your choice? When the health and fitness brand Innermost decided to make the move from Magento to Shopify, they turned to Swanky for assistance. Here’s what they experienced during the change.

What is Innermost?

Innermost is a retailer of nutritional supplements that include natural ingredients, adaptogens, protein powders, and more, harnessing nutrient-rich superfoods that provide “smart nutrition for enhanced living.” With a team of highly trained clinical nutritionists leading the way, Innermost has been winning awards for their range of products designed to help consumers reach their goals, whether they are weight loss, strength and well-being, or improved fitness.

With a clear vision of their values and goals, Innermost has set out to help build better, healthier lives. Championing creativity and diversity, they promote a healthier, happier, more balanced lifestyle.

Although they are quite new on the scene, having launched in 2017, Innermost has experienced tremendous growth in the UK and internationally through a focus on B2B sales. Their clarity of vision and hard work has helped them find their way onto shelves in many gyms and fitness studios.

Ecommerce Shopify

Now Innermost have turned their eye toward B2C. Frustrated by difficulties experienced when they launched a new site using Magento 2, they felt they were devoting too much time, effort, and money to updates and customization.

Moving to a New Platform

Although they had already invested considerable time and money into Magento, Innermost decided that they needed to change platforms in order to meet their changing needs and help them grow. That was when they turned to Shopify. Why?

Shopify is one of the top ecommerce platforms in the world and is perfectly suited to growing businesses. Best of all for Innermost, Shopify offers everything that an evolving business needs, without the need to maintain a development team, saving both time and money that can be better spent on growing the business.

Although they did have some reservations at first, Innermost met with Swanky and ultimately decided that Shopify’s ecosystem of applications offered them the best opportunity to build a better site that could increase the frequency of customer purchases, as well as the average order value.

Swanky’s Role

Once the decision was made, Swanky made a comprehensive evaluation of Innermost’s needs and set their team of web design specialists to work creating design elements for the new site’s key elements. Knowing that Innermost’s vision and brand personality are central to everything they do, Swanky was careful to incorporate this into their design, which in this case was a minimalist approach that eschewed borders to put the product front and centre.

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Swanky chose to use large, impactful images while keeping the site simple and refined. Their approach—just like Innermost products—was fresh and innovative, and highly appealing to the brand’s target audience. Putting the products squarely in the spotlight with bold and colorful imagery captures and holds the attention of viewers.

Knowing the importance of community to Innermost, Swanky was careful to integrate it into their concept. They made the blog one of the pillars of the site’s design, allowing for the sharing of news, advice, workout tips, and more, with a feel like Instagram.

Created for Conversions

As much as Swanky wanted to highlight the character and core values of Innermost, they also wanted to be sure that the site was highly functional. By prioritizing ease-of-use for visitors, they created a fast, attractive, user-friendly site that makes every step through to checkout smooth and simple. The end result is a site that is more likely to result in conversion, as seen in the results that were achieved

In the three months following launch, Innermost saw an increase of 10% in organic sessions, with an increase of 17% in site-wide revenue. Even more impressive was the fact that the average order value increased by a whopping 300%.

The benefits don’t stop there, however. With less time being diverted into maintenance and development of the platform, the Innermost team is able to focus on what matters most: growing their business.

Shopping online vision

Innermost Satisfaction

While they had initial concerns about making the switch, Innermost soon came to realize that their worries were unfounded. “It’s been a breath of fresh air for us,” Innermost CEO Shivraj Bassi said, adding that “on Magento, our biggest frustration was that it was very difficult to make changes to the website, to upgrade the website, add additional functionality, but with Shopify Plus a lot of that just comes out of the box.”

When you are moving to e-commerce or switching platforms, Safe Harbour is ready to help you. Our team makes your experience quick, easy, and successful.  

The strategies I’ve shared with you today are just the start. So, if you’re ready to transform your Digital Marketing. Let us help you implement the 5 key strategies for successful digital marketing that works for any business. As a Shopify Certified partner and Digital Marketing Expert. There’s no risk to talk with us about your business and you can stop the process any time. But if you let us look under the hood we’ll help you implement the correct online marketing strategies to increase your online business while you sleep.

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